As a future-led company, we act with the necessary foresight and make a long-term commitment to our local region and the environment.
The new 7.000 m² large welding facility with its green roof point the way to an upswing. Further investments into modern processing plants have cut the use of cooling lubricants in half.
All signs point to growth at Junior Kühlkörper.
Junior Kühlkörper currently has a total production area of 8.000 m², exclusively designed for the customised machining of your sections. That is why we are the right partner to bring you success in the long term.
The JUNIOR Group has proactively and considerably improved its ecological footprint. In 2019, we installed modules for electricity generation on the roof of the largest production hall in Plettenberg, on an area of 5.000 square metres.
The plant, with an investment volume of 425.000 Euros and an output of 748 kilowatt peak, has the capacity to generate up to 750.000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year.
Of that, we use 80 to 90 per cent ourselves.
- Replacement lighting
- The roll packer
- Heat recovery
- Photovoltaic system
- Chip extraction system
- Optimisation of compressed air
- Hybrid company fleet
- E-forklift
- Keep the ball rolling
Replacing lighting in production
The last, outdated and therefore energy-intensive lighting systems were still in use in production. These were replaced by modern, energy-saving LED lights.
Space-saving disposal
By purchasing a “roll packer”, we break down packaging wood and thus reduce collection/disposal journeys by 66%.
Hot exhaust air put to good use
The heat recovery system was put into operation in the fourth quarter of 2021. Here, the technical waste heat from our compressor system is collected in a buffer tank and made available to the washing system via a heat exchanger. At the same time, the heating system of the production hall is supported.
Photovoltaic system at the Osterloh plant
As a forward-looking company, the JUNIOR Group acts with the necessary foresight and is committed to the region and the environment in the long term. In 2019, for example, a photovoltaic system was put into operation on the roof of what is currently the largest production hall in Plettenberg.
New system => consumption halved!
The old, centralised chip extraction system in the sawmill at Junior Kühlkörper was replaced with two decentralised extraction systems in 2020.
Regulated compressor
Expansion of the compressor system at the MJ plant in Osterloh to include a frequency-controlled compressor
Compressed air was previously produced using two unregulated compressors, which meant that only fixed gradations were possible. By expanding the compressor station with an additional frequency-controlled compressor, compressed air production can now be regulated according to current consumption.
We also reduce the energy consumption of the compressed air systems by regularly locating leaks in the entire compressed air network. The automatic compressor control system analyses the air consumption during machine downtimes.
Replacement of company vehicles with hybrid/electric vehicles
We use some of the energy generated by our photovoltaic system to power our e-fleet. A large proportion of the junior fleet are already plug-in hybrids, which are refuelled with environmentally friendly electricity at our own charging stations on the factory premises.
Replacement of diesel forklifts
When new forklift trucks are purchased and replaced, electric forklift trucks are purchased instead of diesel forklift trucks wherever possible. As the forklift trucks are charged counter-cyclically to production, the energy for the charging process is utilised from PV systems.
Always stay on the ball
Environmental awareness and sustainability are topics that are always topical. The JUNIOR Group is constantly looking for ways to save energy, materials and resources.
This includes deliberately switching off plant components that are not needed for process-related reasons, as well as reducing plant set-up and downtimes. Reducing the amount of waste in production is also part of the continuous improvement of our sustainability balance sheet.